Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hans Steam Mop Contact

La morale della favola

Un giovane gambero pensò: - Perché nelle mia famiglia tutti camminano all’indietro? Voglio imparare a camminare in avanti, come le rane, e mi caschi la coda se non ci riesco. –

Cominciò a esercitarsi di nascosto, tra i native stones of the stream, and the first day the company's cost a lot of effort: struggled together everywhere, the armor is dented and crushed her leg with the other. But a bit 'at a time things went better, because everything can be learned, if you want.
When it was sure of himself, presented himself to his family and said: - You are seeing .- And he did a great jog forward.
- , my son - she burst into tears the mother - has gone off his brain? Back to you, walk like your brothers want you so much.
- His brothers, however, did nothing but laugh.

His father watched him severely for a while, then said : - Basta così. Se vuoi restare con noi, cammina come gli altri gamberi. Se vuoi fare di testa tua , il ruscello è grande : vattene e non tornare più indietro.-

Il bravo gamberetto voleva bene ai suoi, ma era troppo sicuro di essere nel giusto per avere dei dubbi: abbracciò la madre, salutò il padre e i fratelli e si avviò per il mondo.

Il suo passaggio destò subito la sorpresa di un crocchio di rane che da brave comari si erano radunate a far quattro chiacchiere intorno a una foglia di ninfea.

- Il mondo va a rovescio, - disse una rana, - guardate quel gambero e datemi torto, if you can .-
- There is no more than, - said another frog.
- Ohibò ohibò, "said a third.
But the shrimp went right, it is appropriate to say, on his way.

At one point he heard himself called by an old prawn melancholy expression that he was all alone next to a stone. - Good morning - said the young crab.
The old man looked long and then said: - What do you think? I, too, when I was young, I thought of teaching shrimp to walk forward. And here's what I gained: I live alone, and people chop off the tongue rather than speak to me: Since you're on time, from 'Listen to me resigned to do as others and one day I thank the Board .- The young shrimp
not know what to say and remained silent. But he thought to himself:
- I'm right .-
is greeted kindly old shooting fiercely on his way.
will go away? Will luck? Straighten all the wrongs of this world? We do not know, because he is still marching with the courage and the decision of the first day. We can only hope with all my heart: - Have a good trip!

(Gianni Rodari - Tales from the telephone)


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