Thursday, February 24, 2011

Address Peter Grimm, Washington, Dc

Un aiuto floriterapico nella menopausa

The first thing you should do is to help the woman who entered or is entering in menopausa a vivere questo passaggio come un momento non di debolezza, ma al contrario di grande forza: se alcune funzioni vengono meno - e questo è, del resto, il tema non solo della menopausa, ma anche del processo di invecchiamento - è per far spazio ad altre che acquistano maggior risalto. Una menopausa ben accettata fa emergere una pace interiore derivante da un maggior equilibrio con se stesse, un'emotività e una sessualità spesso più gioiose perchè libere dal pensiero della procreazione, una maggiore voglia e capacità di occuparsi del proprio corpo, della sua nutrizione e salute.

Una fase di passaggio 

Questo è il punto di arrival of a properly understood and lived menopause. Certainly, it is possible that at the preliminary stage there can be some effort to adapt, in this case will serve as the flower Walnut , obtained from the walnut tree, which gives adaptability and stability, helping to address the changes that take place not only at the psychological level but also in the physical and is especially useful if the face of change we act with unusual sensitivity. Walnut is therefore recommended in all combinations for menopause. In addition it is usually other flowers, some to better manage the process of change and transition, to allay any other situations of instability and irritability, others in situations more or less marked depression.

the acceptance of himself and of his state

begin with the first group of flowers, we note that the acceptance and self-satisfaction, which should characterize the correct approach to menopausal stage , is unfortunately not always disseminated in our society. The myth of eternal youth that can never fade is so strong that you can create a problem. In this case the request is more true to myself: Agrimony flower can help you in this step, because without acceptance there can be no evolution. However, if the agreement is deficient in terms of the physical, we do not like it, one begins to find too old or ugly, or fat, the flower as it is, Apple Crap. Finally note Larch, which serves women who have difficulty seeing in the new situation and therefore lose a little confidence in themselves and compare themselves to other, younger, finding himself in some way inferior. So, if you encounter any problems or difficulties in the relationship with your own, add in Walnut (always recommended) one of three remedies: Agrimony, if you try to hide the problem even to themselves, or Crab Apple, if you do not accept their physical or Larch, if you're feeling low value in general.

For those who feel sad

Melancholy, more or less pronounced, is one of the most frequently reported by women in menopause. To address it we could add to our mix, which already includes two flowers ( Walnut, for change in general, and another for the acceptance of self), a third remedy chosen from the following: Mustard, in the case of moments of depression that come and go without apparent cause, nor a reason, alternating with others where we instead you feel in balance.
Sweet Chestnut, however, is useful when we need a genuine liberation from a state of anguish and pain, the feeling of a "dark night of the soul."
Honeysuckle , where the melancholy comes from not being able to leave behind the past, "the good old days", not expecting anything as good from the present or the future. It helps to share in their lifetime.

Wild Rose, when we face the total loss of joy of living. Dona enthusiasm, energy and renewed vigor.

In the case of nervousness and insomnia

There may be, at this stage of change and rehabilitation situations, nervousness, tension and other attitudes of emotional instability, often ACCOMPANIED BY insomnia. Again we give an indication of four possible remedies.
Holly , if there are goals of anger is also useful in case of sudden increases in heat (so-called "hot"). By balancing the emotions of the heart, is more suitable if the anger is "passionate."
Impatiens for agitation and irritability in general. The balance is more on the mental and therefore, in general, this flower is most useful when the anger comes from frustration.
Cherry Plum, in the case of nervous breakdown, for women who tend to lose control easily, because they repress their emotions and then "explode" when they least expect it.
Scleranthus , if you feel anxious and insecure and look more like stability and balance.

In conclusion, we have therefore developed a combination-type (of course general, each situation has to be assessed case by case basis, depending on the different person) consists of four clubs: Walnut as the essence of rebalancing change, a flower for the correct image of himself, one for the support of the emotional point of view and one for the balance nerve. With this arsenal at best flower and addressing the menopausal stage, transforming it into a period of very rich, fervent initiatives and happy.

Barbara Gulminelli


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