Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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L'Igname selvatico e il progesterone naturale

L ' wild yam, Dioscorea villosa , also known by the name of Wild Yam, was already known at the time of the Mayans and Aztecs as a medicinal plant from the analgesic, especially for pain ovulatory , menstruation and childbirth. The
Dioscorea villosa contains a plant complex rich in diosgenin, a steroidal saponin, which acts as a precursor to human progesterone, which helps normalize the estrogen-progesterone ratio, when it is altered or inadequate as during menopause. This explains its hormone-activity, which confirms the properties attributed to this plant popular use.
Recent scientific studies have confirmed the action of fitoprogestinica diosgenin, from which it derives its hormone-like activity, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antirheumatic.

What are the benefits of wild yam?

The Wild Yam is recommended during menopause to counter negative manifestations such as hot flashes, mood labile, osteoporosis, dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, resulting in vaginal dryness that can facilitate the establishment of recurrent vaginitis and cystitis.
Also useful as an adjuvant against female genital dysfunction due to hormonal imbalances, such as dysmenorrhea, ovulation pain, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, especially for the latter you should always consult your doctor, who follow the development of the disease and assess the effect of herbal treatment .

to its hormone-like action the Dioscorea villosa is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation and childhood.

The use of natural progesterone.

Natural progesterone is extracted dall'Igname wild. The most effective way to administer it is through skin absorption , Which is 40-70% more effective than oral use, this is because the liver removes a high percentage of ingested hormones, sending them to the intestinal tract where they are converted into water-soluble forms that bind with other substances to be then expelled.
The most popular and effective products based on natural progesterone is available in the form of creams, oils or special applicators. Progesterone is absorbed in the first layer of subcutaneous fat and then be evenly spread throughout the body through movement. With continued use, fat levels of progesterone reach an equilibrium and subsequent doses lead to higher levels in the blood and the intensification physiological effects. And 'why progesterone applications may take two or three months before giving the best results .
The body of every woman is different from everyone else, so it is important to find the right dose for each case. Those recommendations are simple suggestions, the patients who suffer from more severe symptoms may require higher doses at the beginning or more frequent applications. The ideal would be to find the best dose for you with your pharmacist or physician trained in herbal medicine .

How should I use?

The Natural progesterone is more easily absorbed when applied to those parts of the body where skin is thinner and where the higher the concentration of capillaries, thus including areas where we tend to blush. The best areas are the face, neck, chest, abdomen and inner arms and thighs. It 'better to alternate the different areas, applying the cream in a day, the day after another and so on.

When should you use?

The application of natural progesterone should follow the natural rhythms of the body from producing the same . Since menstruation is the time when progesterone levels are at a minimum, you should not use it during this period. The application can start at the stop of menstruation, which usually coincides with the eighth day of the menstrual cycle. In the next two weeks should apply small amounts two or three times a day during the last week of the menstrual cycle (the twenty-first to twenty-eighth day) * the doses are gradually increased again following the natural rhythms of the body. The daily dose ranges from 1 / 8 teaspoon to half or three to ten drops of oil, depending on the concentration of the product used. Make sure you follow the instructions dal farmacista o dal vostro medico .
Le donne in menopausa, che non hanno più mestruazioni, possono seguire il calendario oppure scegliere il giorno in cui cominciano, come giorno uno e proseguire l’applicazione per le tre settimane successive. E’ consigliabile sospendere il trattamento per una settimana, in certi casi, tuttavia, può essere necessario usare il prodotto tutti i giorni per alleviare i sintomi.

* l’indicazione è generale per un tipico ciclo di 28 giorni.
Le donne che fanno uso degli apparecchi Babycomp saranno facilitate nel capire quando entrano in fase post-ovulatoria e, conoscendo benissimo le caratteristiche del cycle, it can adapt to the intake.

In South Tyrol you can find the balm, trained by pharmacy "Schlern" Castelrotto (BZ), based on the recipe of Dr. Gudrun Gschwendt , where you can buy it directly or by telephone at 0471 706323 and ask for the postage.

- S. Sellman, “la Verità sugli Ormoni”, 2000, Gruppo Editoriale Futura


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