Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wwed- Generation - X Vhs

L'infezione di candida può causare un'ampia serie di disturbi

Candida is a common organism that normally acquire a few days after birth. E 'considered a standard part of the bacterial flora that inhabits the body. At low levels, this yeast resides harmlessly in our intestinal tract and urogenital. Its growth is controlled by an immune system strong and healthy levels of beneficial bacteria. When conditions allow it to grow more than necessary, this small organism can cause a variety of ailments.

On average, a person has around 2 kg. residents of microorganisms in the intestinal tract. For an optimal condition of health, at least 80 to 85% of these bodies must be beneficial, while those that were not expected to exceed 15-20%.

Anything that affects the balance of bacterial flora, and lowers the immune system, leaving us more susceptible to an infection of candida.
There are behaviors that cause the killing of beneficial bacteria, such as antibiotics, steroids and hormonal contraceptives. Over exposure to heavy metals, pesticides and other environmental toxins contribute to the killing of beneficial bacteria, as well as the intake of chlorinated water and food too rich in industrially processed food.

When levels of beneficial bacteria are low, the columns of yeasts find themselves without their natural enemies and is growing rapidly. With their spread, releasing large amounts of harmful substances in our intestinal tract.

Typical symptoms of a yeast overgrowth in the gut are: abdominal pain, intestinal gas, bloating, cramps, thrush, irritable bowel syndrome, rectal itching, colitis, heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion and extreme fatigue after meals.

If left untreated, Candida can develop long filamentous structures, called rhizoids, able to infiltrate the intestinal wall. If it reaches the bloodstream, Candida is able to spread throughout the body undermining the following systems: digestive, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, nervous, excretory, reproductive and immune systems.

This type of systemic infection due to a wide range of symptoms including confusion, poor memory, anxiety, depression, unexplained fatigue, decreased sexual desire, infertility, itching, rashes, problems with the adrenal glands, low temperature body, cystitis, vaginal infections, asthma, allergies, food sensitivity, intestinal permeability.

Maintaining the health of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract is the key to prevent the candida from spreading too much. You can start from avoiding processed foods, sugars, chemicals harmful drugs. Antibiotics should be taken only when absolutely necessary and with a good probiotic supplement.



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