Friday, March 11, 2011

Walker Dethatcher Tine

Di quali dati hanno bisogno Pearly, Ladycomp e Babycomp?

Two main data used to Pearly , LadyComp and BabyComp daily in order to give an exact indication of fertility

* The woman's basal body temperature . True "basal body temperature on waking, before getting up after a sleep of at least 4-5 hours. The measurement, which requires only 30-60 seconds, is performed in a sublingual (under the tongue) with a suitable temperature sensor (thermistor) connected to the device. * The data
menstrual (M) . Once a month she must confirm in Pearly , LadyComp BabyComp and pressing a button, the presence of menstruation. E 'can be varied as menstruation before the next measurement.

Couples who want to plan a baby using BabyComp can also enter the data RS (sexual intercourse) .


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