Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Parasound Zpre Review


" under the belly, is the substance ," goes a popular saying.

will! But I would give up a little bit of my "substance" in exchange for abdominal thus:

But it seems that my DNA is programmed to always keep you on Magretta but with the concentration of fat on the waist. Fitness race a lot of running, attention to food ... nothing to do. It 's a lot and lives there 40 years, there is the fear of impending disaster.

I found this little article online. It says everything and nothing. A little 'as those items that are found in magazines such as Men's Health. But I like to read because they still exercise a motivating effect, if only for the desire to look like Bellocci that are published.
Here, the motivation to achieve certain goals I do not miss. But I do not see the finish line.

From Yahoo-Lifestyle
For sculpted abs is not enough to do some 'gym. They know well the uomini con l’ossessione della pancetta e soprattutto con il mito della tartaruga. Sono tanti gli elementi che influiscono sulla forma fisica. Prima di tutto c’è una   predisposizione genetica ad accumulare grasso nella zona critica del tronco.   (Ma allora non è colpa mia, sono stati i miei antenati a darmi tutto ciò).

È possibile lavorare sul peso e sui livelli di grasso, ma   la struttura del corpo purtroppo non si può modificare , così as you can not act on the shape of our muscles. It is therefore advisable to draw from this premise, a dietitian and a personal trainer, a workout that points to realistic and achievable. (He said "realistic and achievable"! Mo, sign me). Moreover, to have perfect abs you must then follow a proper diet and do a sport that combines aerobic exercise to burn fat, to anaerobic to strengthen muscles.

I principali   fattori che agiscono sugli addominali :

La dieta . Bisogna limitare il consumo di grassi, privilegiando quelli di origine vegetale ed evitando insaccati, carne rossa e latticini. Le proteine non devono però essere eliminate: la regola base è quella di assumere massimo 2 grammi di proteine al giorno per chilo (quindi se pesate 90 chili non più di 180gr), da dividere però tra quelle di origine animale e vegetale. Non escludete completamente i carboidrati, ma preferite i cibi integrali regulating insulin levels.

Posture . In addition to genetic predisposition, there is another element that favors the bacon: the posture. The way we walk or we sit, perhaps for many hours during the day, because of our use, influence the structure of our body. Every now and then, let's balance the position. How it works? From standing, you have to open your shoulders and your abs contracted, so that the back muscles and pelvic floor are solicited. (In fact, my posture is generally not ... fair!).
isometrics . The isometrics is a particular type of exercise that can tone your muscles by contracting and holding the contraction for a few seconds. It has an extremely exhilarating because during the financial year the number of tissue and muscle fibers are called into question more than any other sport. During the day, remember to often contract the abdominal muscles and hold the pose for 15 seconds. Train yourself in the mirror in the bathroom or sit while you work.

isometrics But how much has been done that?
Breathing . Learning to breathe properly can tone, are well aware of the lovers of pilates. To breathe with the diaphragm must breathe and think that the air ends up in the belly. Being able to coordinate this movement is also working the abdominal muscles. Not only controls the ability to take the air at the right time, but they work the abs directly. The diaphragm is unfortunately often the victim of our anxieties that partially block the functioning of the muscle: the beginning so it might not be easy learn this method.

Yeah. I'm quite convinced that breathing is a priority. You know how many apneas are held on the beach to take the stomach in?
Beaches, beaches ... There will never be the day where I can show off a decent physical? Hmm, I think not. At least we try not to be crumbling and we learn to be content (or accept, it is not pretty enough already?).
Then, for the good physical ... if only we retain our view that at least we have our share. Eh eh ...


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