Friday, March 11, 2011

Walker Dethatcher Tine

Di quali dati hanno bisogno Pearly, Ladycomp e Babycomp?

Two main data used to Pearly , LadyComp and BabyComp daily in order to give an exact indication of fertility

* The woman's basal body temperature . True "basal body temperature on waking, before getting up after a sleep of at least 4-5 hours. The measurement, which requires only 30-60 seconds, is performed in a sublingual (under the tongue) with a suitable temperature sensor (thermistor) connected to the device. * The data
menstrual (M) . Once a month she must confirm in Pearly , LadyComp BabyComp and pressing a button, the presence of menstruation. E 'can be varied as menstruation before the next measurement.

Couples who want to plan a baby using BabyComp can also enter the data RS (sexual intercourse) .

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Supathickmami Updates


The term "encyclopedia" comes from the greek enkyklos paideia, a term originally used by Plutarch, which literally means "round education" in the sense of "complete" closed in on itself like a circle. This meaning clearly reflects an ideal of knowledge obsolete for today's critical sensibility, Popper, who prefers to education as a company is "open", not dogmatic.

But knowledge can be encyclopedic, or circular, in the sense that, as vast and includes a wide variety of subjects may be, must encompass the whole of knowledge in an accessible format, for which accurate both in the reconstruction of every detail can also be flown over a bird's eye and understood in its broad outlines in a single glance, like a globe sums up the floor boards of an atlas. What differentiates a mere collection of disaggregated information from a real encyclopedia is precisely its being structured in a way, his being dominated and subdued by a certain pattern.

is immediately evident, then, that the compilation of an encyclopedia is a priori incompatible with an epistemologically neutral, and so is the political and ideological neutrality. Make visible the structure of knowledge and highlight the hierarchical relationships between the various disciplines that compose it, as well as any kind of systematic classification, it is always an exercise of power. An encyclopedia is paradoxical the Chinese invented by Borges and discussed by Foucault words and things, because its classification is absurd and inconceivable, therefore useless. Do not make it more capable and more able, though perhaps it could serve (and for that matter) for a period of totalitarian power.

The purpose of the encyclopedia of the eighteenth century (Diderot, D'Alembert, and others), but was to emancipate the women of their time from the absolute and arbitrary power that was reflected in religious and ecclesiastical dogmas, to erase the darkness ignorance and superstition with the light of reason, which just required a restructuring of the system of knowledge.

As the historian Robert Darnton notes in an essay on ' Encyclopédie contained in the volume The big cat massacre and other episodes in French cultural history , a modern reader, before the great harvest of encyclopedia articles placed in strict order alphabetically and cover topics such as carding wool or the manufacture of safety pins, might legitimately ask what was wrong with this so subversive, so much so that the symbol of the ideals of the Enlightenment and even politicians who led the French Revolution. Despite

alphabetical order (of course neutral), however, other types of order and organization are hidden such as in references between a voice and the other, which serve precisely to highlight the links between the various branches of knowledge (in some cases the references also serve to circumvent the censors by including sensitive topics related entries in the encyclopedia is not had the courage to put in the main heading). But the inspiring system emerges explicitly in statement (signed by Diderot), in ' introduction to the work (signed by D'Alembert) and chart accompanying the statement "the system figured human sciences "(itself inspired by a similar scheme Bacon, but with significant innovations).

Each type of knowledge, in Lockean empiricism tribute, is thus traced ultimately to three faculties (formerly thus excluding the revealed truths of religion): memory, which depends on the science of history, the reason, on which the philosophy and imagination, on which the poem. The knowledge of God is put together with the science of man and nature, in the main branch of philosophy (and then depend upon the faculty of reason). It is true that it occupies the first place (the highest) among the three main branches of philosophy (but is under the ontology), but you can also see that it is divided among all the least and the poorest, and the fact that it is located dangerously close to superstition and black magic.

could make similar arguments about the cultural strategies, explicit and less explicit, behind the compilation of works like the 'Encyclopaedia Britannica , or Treccani , or the' Encyclopedia Einaudi (a project which I find very interesting, but unfortunately almost brought ruin to the publisher). But the post would become a sort of compendium of the history of encyclopedias. (One note: the encyclopedias of the past, entrusted with leading experts, could also be "Source" as well as secondary information, namely providing original research). As the only comparison that really interests me is with what is incorrectly called "encyclopedia" but in fact it is not for all those reasons that should now be apparent.

In Wikipedia there is no such thing as an organization of content according to a certain editorial line, according to a certain conception of epistemology, according to a hierarchy of knowledge. Everything is placed randomly, by anyone who has desire, and changed at any time by anyone who wants. You work so open, so in progress, which can not be defined work. Wikipedia is only a subset of the internet, everything is a collection of disaggregated information; highly related in the sense that she is also exceedingly rich in references between the entries, but again without any logical order than to organize the strategy of references, left to improvisation of individual users.

It can not be otherwise, in homage to the doctrine of NPOV and the opening of the project to the largest possible number of people (no one is the author of Wikipedia, we all are). That Wikipedia is not an education "cyclical" but education is just "wiki", hyper-fast, passing the time is now leaving. Quick to assimilate and then conveniently suited to the demands of modern life.

But in fact even Wikipedia manages to be truly politically neutral. There is apparently also an ideological vision behind such a project, and the choice to structure it in such a way (without frame). The big problem, perhaps, is that here we can speak of Marxist ideology in the sense of the word, or a superstructure that is designed to mask the real devious and concrete relations of production.

Under the slogans of democracy and condivione for example, is masked in the excessive power of the directors also decide what is 2 +2, in the name of majority rule and representative. Nel nome della neutralità viene fatto passare il concetto che tutte le idee sono egualmente rispettabili purché un numero (piccolo) sufficiente di persone le sostenga, e devono quindi trovare spazio nel progetto, non importa quanto deviate esse siano. Anche se non è possibile, quindi, inserire le teorie creazioniste nella voce dedicata a Darwin, si lasciano liberi i creazionisti di creare le loro voci e di riempirle di ciò che desiderano, ammucchiando nozioni su nozioni per dare una falsa impressione di autorevolezza alla voce. Non si può sostenere, infine, che sia politicamente neutrale un repertorio di informazioni che assegna una singola voce a ciascun personaggio dei Pokemon, dandole la stessa dignità che viene data a Joyce ed Einstein.

If ' Encyclopédie of Diderot and D'Alembert has prepared the ground for the French Revolution, one may well ask what political revolution is preparing in the name of the wiki-thought. As a company prefigure the ideals fast, wikis, the followers of Beppe Grillo. The new democracy against caste, where instead of the more influential player who screams louder and has more followers, no matter what he says.

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A guardare in palestra

long evening in the gym last night, spent two and half hours and three stories.

The first, the chatter in the locker room with Sofficiotto. When I arrive he's already finished his training and is preparing for the shower. "A home early tonight, I do not want to miss Milan." I confess that I am not a football fans but rather a "rugbofilo" (it says so?) And he, surprised, replied "ah, yes? I would never have told you I had had another idea for you."
He hands me the joke about the silver tray, and so I said, 'Well, you continue to get different ideas on me but do not ever guesses, such as that I was a good husband. "
"Well, you know"-replies him-"I can not actually much to frame ..." I'd be there and ready to counter with "enough to know a little 'but he keeps and freezes me" ... but you do not really have to frame, it was just a get an idea about people I know here in the gym. Yes is that you're nice and you seem a decent person. " There. Point! Then
, friendly as ever, starts to wonder where the passion for rugby, I asked a few rules, we discuss the more or less cruenza of the game, etc., etc. ... but with him, ready to talk to me in the shower naked and uninhibited rigorous, always exhibiting his very nice "sofficiotto, soft and thick, even at rest ... How to talk to him trying to look him in the face or drop an eye on those pudenda? What an effort!

Second anecdote: end of the evening, I finished the shower, I'm changing that and this time I am naked around the cupboard ... when a new guy comes to change. Quick glance, about 45 year old, beautiful face, a little 'overweight but with a large chest. She approached me because he has just the locker next to mine. I, when I see him in so close I say "excuse me, I move now" and he "does so with quiet calm, but always keep an eye on his back naked in the gym that you never know. But quiet, I'm harmless . "
Now, aside from the fact that the usual battutina, scontata, stile "saponetta che cade", mi fa ridere come un brufolo sul culo, mi chiedo se una battuta del genere è opportuna come primo approccio, come prima chiacchiera con uno sconosciuto, come rompi-ghiaccio. A parte che ho pensato "che ne sai che non porgo le spalle volentieri?", poi, guardandolo spogliarsi ho fatto tra me e me un commentino, da stronzetto, me ne rendo conto. Cioè, con un micropene, uno straccetto come quello che gli ho visto tra le gambe ho pensato "si si, sei innocuo anche non volendo". Scusate la mia acidità ma certi personaggi se le cercano e potrebbero decisamente evitare di fare i simpaticoni con quelle battute da galeotti...

Che fatica!!

Third story: after training last night I went to the sauna and azz! .. I found there are two of my colleagues. Now, I have a good relationship with them, talking and joking freely much (too much), but a little embarrassed to be in costume in front of them was there. My paranoia, my body enough that I do not like, well ... discomfort is a big word but being at home "is not an adequate description of how I felt. Oh well ... The worst embarrassment came this morning when those "unfortunate", the meeting at the coffee machine. Tell my colleague to another meeting in the sauna last night, then, the prettiest of the two, winking says "do not have a fisicone but your muscoletti (diminutive-uses this term of endearment) to the right place you have them. Too bad your ass, that do not have it!" The other replies: "But no, little guy so I like better than the ass of my husband"
Uff ... that hard!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wwed- Generation - X Vhs

L'infezione di candida può causare un'ampia serie di disturbi

Candida is a common organism that normally acquire a few days after birth. E 'considered a standard part of the bacterial flora that inhabits the body. At low levels, this yeast resides harmlessly in our intestinal tract and urogenital. Its growth is controlled by an immune system strong and healthy levels of beneficial bacteria. When conditions allow it to grow more than necessary, this small organism can cause a variety of ailments.

On average, a person has around 2 kg. residents of microorganisms in the intestinal tract. For an optimal condition of health, at least 80 to 85% of these bodies must be beneficial, while those that were not expected to exceed 15-20%.

Anything that affects the balance of bacterial flora, and lowers the immune system, leaving us more susceptible to an infection of candida.
There are behaviors that cause the killing of beneficial bacteria, such as antibiotics, steroids and hormonal contraceptives. Over exposure to heavy metals, pesticides and other environmental toxins contribute to the killing of beneficial bacteria, as well as the intake of chlorinated water and food too rich in industrially processed food.

When levels of beneficial bacteria are low, the columns of yeasts find themselves without their natural enemies and is growing rapidly. With their spread, releasing large amounts of harmful substances in our intestinal tract.

Typical symptoms of a yeast overgrowth in the gut are: abdominal pain, intestinal gas, bloating, cramps, thrush, irritable bowel syndrome, rectal itching, colitis, heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion and extreme fatigue after meals.

If left untreated, Candida can develop long filamentous structures, called rhizoids, able to infiltrate the intestinal wall. If it reaches the bloodstream, Candida is able to spread throughout the body undermining the following systems: digestive, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, nervous, excretory, reproductive and immune systems.

This type of systemic infection due to a wide range of symptoms including confusion, poor memory, anxiety, depression, unexplained fatigue, decreased sexual desire, infertility, itching, rashes, problems with the adrenal glands, low temperature body, cystitis, vaginal infections, asthma, allergies, food sensitivity, intestinal permeability.

Maintaining the health of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract is the key to prevent the candida from spreading too much. You can start from avoiding processed foods, sugars, chemicals harmful drugs. Antibiotics should be taken only when absolutely necessary and with a good probiotic supplement.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Silver City Ottawa Book Online

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Office Of Behavioral Health Licensure And Arizona

...per dire loro che era lesbica.

March 8. A post with the issues that are important to me, for once the female form.

Six months later he went specifically home to tell them that she was a lesbian. Then, for years, wondered why he had done - if it was, as he said then, in itself, an act of political integrity, motivated by a genuine need to be honest with her parents, or whether it was not true revenge, revenge and liberation. At that point he had been convinced for some time that her lesbianism was something neutral, neither good nor bad in itself. But he also knew that this neutral fact of his life, when presented to the parents, would be just as powerful brandishing a machete in front of their faces and would have caused wounds as deep. He had many preparations, consulted many books. "The afternoon is the best time" had recommended Cornelia Patterson, and therefore Jerene, afternoon, ceremoniously took his parents to stay to give them the news. As she talked her father looked out the window toward the oleanders in the garden, his mother sat on the sofa and wept. "Have you finished?" Asked Sam after she had been silent for a few seconds.
"Yes, I'm done."
"Then I'll tell you one thing. I'll tell you that I would have preferred that I had to cease a cancer. "never took his eyes from the oleander.
"Dad," she said. "How can you say such a thing, how can you stand there and say such a thing?"
"I'm serious," he said, turning. "You've always been a disappointment for us, we've always given problems. And now back home with this ... This crap, this sacrilege. What did you expect me to do, I smile and relax in the chair? "
" And as a death, "murmured Margaret slowly from the sofa, sobbing. "It's as if she were dead."
«Mamma!» disse Jerene. «Papà! Non dite queste cose. Io sono ancora la stessa. Sono sempre vostra figlia, la vostra Jerene. Vi prego! Sto solo cercando di essere onesta con voi, di dirvi la ve­rità per una volta.»
Suo padre allontanò gli occhi da lei, guardò ancora una vol­ta fuori della finestra. «Tu non sei mia figlia» disse. «Ringrazio Dio almeno per questo. Tu non sei mia figlia.»
E così strappò il machete che gli era stato piantato nel cuore, lo girò e tagliò via di netto Jerene.

(D. Leavitt - The Lost Language of Cranes)

Monday, March 7, 2011

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As in a film.
I wrote yesterday in The L.
Friday evening, before going to bed I turned on the TV doing a quick zap.
It was just past midnight on Rai Movie gave "Brokeback Mountain."
It 's always a thump to the heart of the movie and I had promised myself not to watch it because every time it makes me feel literally sick. But as I like! (Not feel bad, the movie!).
The scene where can I have, turn on the TV is their first re-encounter, at home in Ennis, when the wife catches them in "the act of kissing." And from there the night at their motel and then they start to meet every now and then, all a bit 'of years.
hear those dialogues
- What do we do now?
- Eh ... there is not much to do ... I have too many things that keep me bound ...
facilitates the comparison between me and L. and this film.
not so pronounced, not so extreme, fortunately, not quite so, but the dynamics are similar: both are not declared, the distance that makes us meet every two weeks at best, fear of love.
The words of those dialogues might be our own.
Indeed they are.
Like a movie, exactly.
Are those things you say in moments of love, sweat and tight and hugged between moods, when the contact of our bodies seems never enough when it comes to kissing everywhere, when I take my face in hands and look at me, I gazed at it, and L. on my chest listening to the beat of my heart and says "I have spoken!"

So Saturday night:
"if you were in love with me we could live together ... you take home with me ..."
Then I, as Ennis del Mar that I portray, tough, headstrong and scared, "you can not ... .
The day after a resize both our words, and I to complain to L. the coincidence of these dialogues between us and the movie.
already sent words of a film, a book already written, but still we, and many others, are replicating.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Slipped Disc Symptoms More Condition_treatment

Ehilà, bella gente!

Little time to devote to the blog today.
I throw here just a little 'photos, ordinary people would say, but nice people. The men posted here intrigue me each for a particular reason.
Vote and tell me who you too will "catch" more!
Update March 7, 2011. The favorite is:

Friday, March 4, 2011

Racquel Darrian Stream

Che spettacolo!

Just a song ... but that energy!

Most great show after the big bang
The greatest show after the big bang
The greatest show after the big bang and I us ... you!

I took the guitar without knowing how to play
want to tell you, now listen up
not confuse you before you leave
you should know that ....
The greatest show after the big bang are we ... you and me!

Other than the amusement park, other than the cinema,
other than the Internet, but the work
other than the Vatican more than Superman,
nothing but talk ....
The Greatest Show dopo il big bang siamo e te!  

Io e te...  

che ci abbracciamo forte,

che ci sbattiamo forte,

che andiamo contro vento,    

che stiamo in movimento,  

che abbiamo fatto un sogno  

che volavamo insieme,  
we have done everything
and everything there is to it,
we're still standing
in half of this road,
you and I, you and I, you and me!

Other than music, more than the Colosseum,
other than America, more than the exstasi,  

altro che nevica, altro che Rolling Stones,  

altro che football...  

altro che Lady Gaga, altro che oceani,  

altro che argento e oro, altro che il sabato,  

altro che le astronavi, altro che la tv,  

altro che chiacchiere....  

The greatest show after the big bang are we ... you and me!

we did fight as you and I, you and me ...
to wish well,
we go adrift,
in the current .... and me!
crossing the fire

with an icicle in his hand,
that we are two dots
but seen from a distance,
we expect the best
like any Spring
you and I, you and I, you and me!

The greatest show after the big bang are we ... you and me!

I took without knowing how to play the guitar,
is good to live even though you are evil,
want to tell you why I have it in my heart,
am pretty sure ... love!


Per sostituire la batteria di Pearly, quali sono le modalità e il costo?

Pearly has an internal battery that needs to be replaced, if used without waste every 2-3 years. So far, battery replacement should be done directly from our center assistenzala and the unit was to be sent directly to the company. With the new version program (from 2010 onwards) was made possible at least one replacement , each Two independently . So if the customer prefers, the first change of battteria or she can do it directly from the watchmakers of confidence (in the instruction booklet is specified on the model).
to the next, however, the unit is sent directly to the Baby Comp Ltd because, in this context are:

* compacted data and free memory *
possibly also updated the program printed
* Data for fertility control and monitoring of ovulation.

When the machine starts to indicate the battery is getting low, you can continue to use it normally for about 10-15 days, then you can also make several measurements before it is unloaded. Generally we recommend changing the battery when the woman is already in post-ovulatory phase, and then knows she is not fertile until the next menstrual period. If the battery is completely discharged, data is still stored in the device. Battery replacement is an opportunity for overall control of the Pearly . Pearly may come sent, packed in the original box, by registered mail. Within a maximum of about 3-4 days is returned to the customer. Today the cost of replacing the battery is Euro 38.00 (prints included) to which are added only the cost of return.

For more information:

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Le Vrai Groslascard Divorce

Malachi torna a letto

will be his cheeky face, his body will be established but even with the bitter, will be the active oxygen bleached smile, will be the beard, that will Malachi will be but I am intrigued Marx forever. Tend to me more than the most macho sex between 30 and 40, muscular, virile ... and yet ... 'I'm gay porn bell'attorino returned to after a break (not too long, actually) always knows how to awaken in me hot itch.
I leave his film back to the fore. Randy Blue from the stable, and Malachi Diego Sans. Prepare paper towels.

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Il Risveglio del Femminino

you approach the Women's Day and this is a good opportunity to talk about the feminine, his awakening and his awareness in our daily lives, not just for one day. Because if the woman must be respected, we women have to take us over first. But how many of us do? How many expect from themselves and from others that their sanctity be recognized?

The woman, take the path towards the female power, must assert control over their lives - its needs, its rhythms and its body - and once again rely on their instinctive nature. Must realize that she is not somehow separate from nature but rather an expression of nature. The physical or emotional problems are expressions of disharmony, are messengers who make them understand that it is not in tune with some aspect of his life.
rid of all the posts of internalized shame, mistrust and hatred themselves that are encoded right into their cells, allows women to get in tune with their inner guidance. So always know when to be active and when to take a rest, when to worry and when the other of themselves, when they are following their instinctive wisdom and when they are influenced by the old conditioning, as the true source of power lies deep within every woman.
as if they were emerging from a long hibernation period, women around the world are waking up and opening to an inner power that has remained dormant in them for too long. The female power is something entirely different from that of men.
The female power emanates directly from the depths of a woman. I just claiming their sacred repressed women can truly achieve their hopes and their deepest dreams for themselves, for their families and for Mother Earth .

Create the sacred feminine power

The following are suggestions to help the flowering of female wisdom.

1. Keep a daily journal of your thoughts and innermost feelings
2. Become aware of the moon and its phases. Take in His light. Honor it as the archetype of the feminine. It 'been shown that the full moon increases the levels of follicle stimulator through the hypothalamus and pituitary
3. Take the time to complete meditation in the moonlight, alone or with your friends
4. Hearken to your menstrual wisdom. When you enter the stage luteica, listen to your body. Take some time for yourself. Rest if you feel tired. Be bold and take a nap during the day! Let your feelings express themselves.
5. Keep a dream book to record your dreams and your inner visions. Be particularly aware of the dreams that you just before your period.
6. Buy a lunar calendar every month to monitor the progress of the lunar cycles.
7. Write in your journal when you have your period
8. Spend time alone with nature. Become aware of its rhythms and its cycles, recognizing that you share his own cadenzas

In conclusion, we show a video of illuminating Grandmother Margarita, master of ceremonies and sacred dances, and member of the intertribal curandera Elders of America. Safe journey to all!

Source: Sherrill Sellman, "The Truth about Hormones" , Gruppo Editoriale Futura

Lupus And Capillaries

Seminario: "Akklay" - Il Potere della Donna di Hernàn Huarache Mamani

Today our culture is prevalent in the male element with its individualistic characteristics , the dominant materialistic and consumerist that lead to the destruction of the human being.
To change these attitudes is important to know the way of the wise women "Mamakuna," which in the ancient Inca people made it possible for a cooperative relationship between women and man. In Andean culture (INCA), over the millennia, it is created a knowledge and consciousness of women.
The importance of women has been recognized by the Andes since ancient times and, in the Andean legends of the religious tradition that has always been passed down orally, it is said that the first human being who appeared on earth was a woman. In the ancient Inca government
there was a high-level educational institution that instructed women: the AKLLAWASI ("the school of the chosen") conducted by Mamakuna. These wise women were an active, creative and noble of the Inca society. At that time, women were already living with economic independence, sexual freedom, practiced medicine, agriculture, shaped pottery and objects of religious use, worked the fields,
married and had children.
Over the centuries it has developed a culture that understands, respects and values \u200b\u200bthe "female world".
The male principle has a complementary role to the female, where the feminine and the masculine complement despite their absolute differences.
It is not about equality or inequality of the sexes, but distinctly different roles and where the female is the driving force for man creative force and generating ideas and passions. The woman responsible for the burst of evolution of humanity that man accepts and makes her own. We must rediscover and
use the powers that nature has given to women, just so you can create a society with a perfect balance of love, brotherhood and harmony with Mother Earth.


During the seminar, led by Hernan Huarache Mamani (auotore de "The Prophecy of Curandera" , "Shaman Eyes," "The Donna Silver tailed "and" The Woman of Light "), will be blasted myths and conditioning to create a global human couple who has respect for life, reaching new depths intimacy, understanding and cooperation.


This seminar aims to introduce participants and help them back to the path of femininity.

will cover the following topics:

* The importance of knowing themselves
* Powers and gifts that she has received from nature
* The awareness and consciousness
* The woman as a channel of creative life
* The sanctity of women and their role in the teaching of love
* Education and education for women throughout society
* The path of cooperation and coexistence with humans

During these meetings will be held a job on the body and soul, to help express their femininity and to address without delay, a search path themselves, coming into contact with the physical and mental resources forgotten or completely unknown.
new energies will be born to find harmony, enthusiasm and zest for life, desire to be with others and to cope with life differently.

For more information and to know the dates of upcoming seminars

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Free Rail Car Blueprints

Con moglie a carico

I am the champion of those who live in the closet.
Seriously, this blog, besides being my personal space to vent and also born to give voice to the many like me who have not yet declared. Through this blog many people who are more or less the same in my situation I write and talk about their experience. I apologize for the delay in replying, but really difficult to manage all correspondence. To you I say: I am glad and thank you for the interaction.
Some letters I get from married men. I'm always very impressed by these experiences: people who for various reasons find themselves living with a woman more or less popular (some yes, others not). Who made this choice to hide even more, those who believed and still believe that love is going through despite having to castrate a good part of himself. The utmost respect for them and no trial experience that is often accompanied by big labor.
the married, especially to them, I dedicate this passage from "The lost language of cranes" that I find so fascinating and extremely detailed as to tell the inner struggle of Owen. The song
part of Owen's return home, after being in a porn cinema and finding a note of invitation from another man.

"My God, you're so wet," said Rose. "You came all the way home on foot?" Then he held his breath. Without having any intention, had mentioned their meeting dull moment in this strange way that seemed to occur was on the threshold of another life.
"Yes," said Owen. "I do not know why ... I felt like it, for no particular reason. "
" Give me your proof, "said Rose. She began to unbutton, and Owen's hand slipped into the pocket of snaps, closed intorno al piccolo cuneo di car­ta dai bordi ben ripiegati, e lo tirò fuori mentre l'impermeabile gli veniva tirato via per passare nelle mani di Rose. Di nasco­sto gli cambiò posto e lo mise nella tasca dei pantaloni. La sua mano rimase lì, ad accarezzarlo, a ripiegarne i bordi.
Rose stava appendendo l'impermeabile. Lui provò un'im­provvisa fitta di colpa osservandola, ricordando la fantasia che aveva avuto quel pomeriggio su di lei, riconoscendo, quasi per la prima volta dopo anni, tutto il bene che lei gli aveva fatto, la loro comoda vita insieme, quella casa costruita a precisa misu­ra della loro compatibilità.

«Grazie» he said. He could not say "sorry", though he so wished. He tried to think of how many Sundays had done exactly the same thing: come back to this or that porn cinema, purged (for now) by the tension of a week, need a week, and imagine that in a single afternoon 's Hell had been swept away from his life. Safe at home, he felt that kind of relief he feels when a child makes a pilferage without being surprised. He thought the risk was that way, contemplated the danger of the situation, and nestled in the absolute safety of his armchair, with his book and its sweet.
 Eppure, di settimana in set­timana l'inferno incominciava a insinuarsi nella sua vita con un pochino più d'anticipo, dopo solo un giorno, una sera, un'ora. Con esso arrivava un desiderio di una sorta che non aveva mai immaginato possibile, e l'unica cosa che lo tratteneva dal tor­nare nel cinema durante la settimana era la sua paura immen­sa di essere visto. Così aspettava fino alla domenica, un giorno che considerava in qualche modo santificato e pertanto sicuro. Si concedeva le domeniche. Eppure, ogni domenica sera, tor­nando a casa, si chiedeva quanto sarebbe potuto andare avanti così. All'inizio si era accontentato dei film soltanto, poi di una rapida sega nell'ultima fila, poi, col Over the years, to suck and suck, with your fingers up the anus, and once, a mild attempt at sex. Sometimes the revulsion for their actions was so strong that he found himself spitting on the sidewalk, repeatedly, with a desperate need to rid the mouth of the taste. Every week always wanted more.
He stood in the hallway while Rose hung her raincoat over the bathtub. He surrounded his body with his arms and thought, "Alex Melchor. The disconcerted to discover, after all this time, still have the capacity to experience joy and pleasure in his pleasure was in itself a very good feeling that at the end of the note itself did not matter that much. However, he reminded himself, things were as bad as ever. He and Rose had yet to make a decision on the apartment. Nothing had changed. No, everything was as it always had been.
And while he repeated these words to herself, she felt for her hand and stroked his pocket the note. At first it was scared. On the way back he had to squeeze in a coffee and wait until he was sure that none dare look at him before opening the note and read it again. He said that really che aveva pensato che dicesse. C'era davvero un numero di telefono - lo aveva già memorizzato, caso mai gli fosse capitato di perdere il bigliettino, anche se l'idea di comporre effettivamente il nu­mero era ancora inconcepibile. Se la stava godendo, mentre era lì in piedi, a creare schemi matematici con le sette cifre del nu­mero, immaginando delle chiavi per memorizzarlo, somman­do e sottraendo e moltiplicando.

Entrò in bagno e disse: «Rose». Lei si girò, sconcertata, e lo guardò. Lui le stava sorridendo.
«La mia Rose» disse lui, e l'abbracciò. All'improvviso gli ven  ne want to tell everything about this man, this Alex Melchior, the number whose first three digits added together gave the same result for the last four. He wished the two of them were friends, she was his confidante. These pulses absurd to confess he had been attacked first, however, and had learned to control them. Rose was his wife. And the thought of Alex Melchor, of his hand, his glasses, Owen was caught in a sudden desire; bent to kiss her. Then he withdrew. "It was nice to meet you today," he said.
"Yes," she said. "Strange, is not it?" He went back to hang her coat on the rack for towels.
"I'm going to stay," he said, and walked away from Rose. "Well, maybe I went to that movie for the last time." He smiled at that thought in mind the first time - the horror he had felt the sharp stabbing pain in realizing that it was, as he had always feared, a homosexual. And what did he do? It was sketched out in the club and immediately afterwards had practically raped the poor Rose on the living room couch, trying to see her, only her, to remove forcibly from his mind the image of that screen. But when he came, it was the boys that he was thinking, even though he had said: "Rose, Rose," and she replied: "Yes, I'm here, I'm here. I will not let go. I'll never let go away. " Lied to them - have built a marriage with her on a sexual lie - it was a regret of such magnitude that could not cope and was therefore a regret that, at this time, he decided to ignore.
For years, after all, it was said that if someone had asked him, he insisted, if someone had given him the opportunity, he would have profited. He had never imagined it would be really successful, after all, he was a married man, completely straight in the eyes of world. And now it was successful. He had the opportunity in his pocket. Someone called Alex Melchor wished. It would have been easy. He would have phoned. The would call and say ... oh, never mind what he said. He crossed the living room, sat in his chair, took his book. He knew this opportunity to live as simply a chance for a while 'time, he knew to be able to last for days now, because a hungry man has a different notion of abundance.
Rose sat on the toilet in the bathroom, looking at the proof of Owen. Across the room, his face in the mirror was fogged by the steam. Yes put his hand in the face of the point that Owen had just kissed.
(David Leavitt - The Lost Language of Cranes)