Thursday, January 27, 2011

Calling Python In Batch File

Maca: the plant of fertility

The Maca (Lepidium Meyeneii sicentifico name) is also known as the " plant of life" among the Peruvian populations precisely because it was deemed capable of increasing fertility in both animals and humans.

grows at an altitude of 3000-4000 meters and the part that is used for the preparation is the tuberous root.

can improve fertility in humans as it acts on both the maturation of sperm that the number and improves their motility and ability to fertilize an egg . It also has benefits in women because it encourages the production of oocytes .

short a real plant fertility . The reason for all these properties is its nutrient composition. And 'in fact given a very comprehensive supplement that contains: carbohydrates, protein and iodine, amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins (B1, B2, B12, C, E), minerals (including magnesium, selenium and calcium) and also a fair amount of fiber.

amino acids, for example, are essential for the maturation of sperm. Vitamin B6è essential for the production of hormones male sex. Vitamin B12 is essential, together with folate (folic acid), for the production of DNA and RNA, the basic building blocks of our genetic heritage and involved in the construction of every cell in our body. Low levels of B12sono associated with low sperm concentrations and abnormal sperm production or with reduced mobility.

Folate, such as vitamin C, are very important for healthy sperm production while vitamin E is important for fertility and it has been shown in scientific studies. In fact, rats deprived of vitamin E in their diets become sterile.

Maca also has the property di restringere una prostata ingrossata ed è un valido aiuto nei disturbi sessuali. Scienziati italiani hanno dimostrato la capacità della Maca di aumentare il benessere sessuale generale in pazienti con lieve disfunzione erettile. Secondo i ricercatori del Massachussets General Hospital ciò dipenderebbe dal suo effetto sugli inibitori della ricaptazione di serotonina.

La cosa positiva della Maca è il fatto che, al contrario dei farmaci per la disfunzione erettile, non provoca effetti collaterali . Infatti non altera i livelli di testosterone, come nemmeno i livelli di ormoni femminili, nelle donne che la assumono, pur riequilibrando l’intero assetto ormonale. Indeed, it would seem to prevent and reduce bone loss due to hormonal and is perhaps the best regulator of the endocrine system.

Maca is an adaptogen food, as increases the resistance of the whole organism. Allows you to adapt to external conditions and restores homeostasis and the natural rhythms of the body, increases memory and concentration.

If you also want to benefit from the valuable biological properties of Maca, available at , with a discount of € 5.00 us at .



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