Rosarno oggi è un ringocacaopanna di fuoco. Gli ultimi in rivolta fanno paura e hanno paura. Ci si potrebbe incasinare all'infinito nel tentativo di capire quali soluzioni proporre al problema dell'immigrazione, forse insieme alla fame è il problema più grande nel mondo. Ma qui non si muore di fame.
Da noi vige dal 2002 la legge Bossi-Fini (e meno male che c'è lei), da noi la regolamentazione degli immigrati è l'unica in Europa a non avere tempistiche o requisiti definiti, da noi i negretti girano per le terre coltivate alla mercè dei mafiosi, da noi si propone di risolvere the problem by putting a dash-foreign school of 30% (foreigners remain foreigners). But beyond the bullshit that we make mistakes-are legitimate when it is a big problem-the effect is shocking that they can make blacks angry blacks who become criminals and non-all-the scapegoat for a situation hopeless degradation and crime and are sent away, as if it were possible in this way to clean a system gone mad. Maybe if the Mafia were blacks would have had the courage to get rid of for some time. Michele Serra Balottelli proposes to go play in England, perhaps Italy is not ready for him. The black skin has
dirty and there can do nothing. E ' willing to live in shit, some say that's fine. Black accepts everything, even the assholes who invade their land and they approprino (what a strange immigration), also as the slave of a white, black, agrees to such an extent that sometimes it is as servile to be angry, black accepts, it does nothing and always smiles and takes it up the ass of the world. The irrational
dominates us and there is little to do, immigration is a problem to be solved rationally, the razismo can not give a final solution but , but somebody has already tried it and it left a furrow in history. Differences
him that you can not change the EC and we still have our dreams, che a volte si avverano. Chissà se esiste un luogo in cui sperare.
Da noi vige dal 2002 la legge Bossi-Fini (e meno male che c'è lei), da noi la regolamentazione degli immigrati è l'unica in Europa a non avere tempistiche o requisiti definiti, da noi i negretti girano per le terre coltivate alla mercè dei mafiosi, da noi si propone di risolvere the problem by putting a dash-foreign school of 30% (foreigners remain foreigners). But beyond the bullshit that we make mistakes-are legitimate when it is a big problem-the effect is shocking that they can make blacks angry blacks who become criminals and non-all-the scapegoat for a situation hopeless degradation and crime and are sent away, as if it were possible in this way to clean a system gone mad. Maybe if the Mafia were blacks would have had the courage to get rid of for some time. Michele Serra Balottelli proposes to go play in England, perhaps Italy is not ready for him. The black skin has
dirty and there can do nothing. E ' willing to live in shit, some say that's fine. Black accepts everything, even the assholes who invade their land and they approprino (what a strange immigration), also as the slave of a white, black, agrees to such an extent that sometimes it is as servile to be angry, black accepts, it does nothing and always smiles and takes it up the ass of the world. The irrational
dominates us and there is little to do, immigration is a problem to be solved rationally, the razismo can not give a final solution but , but somebody has already tried it and it left a furrow in history. Differences
him that you can not change the EC and we still have our dreams, che a volte si avverano. Chissà se esiste un luogo in cui sperare.
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