Nella prima metà del ventesimo secolo, lo sviluppo della fisica quantistica ad opera di un gruppo di scienziati europei (Planck, Bohr, Heisenberg, Dirac, Einstein, De Broglie, Schrödinger e altri yet) scored a break of the traditional image of the very largest of any previous scientific revolution. Although the discoveries of Galileo and Newton were counter-intuitive, than the physical "naive" Aristotle, but they were basically understandable and rational enough to be justified by Kant, in retrospect, as based on principles is absolutely necessary. Nor does the theory of relativity, Einstein was so deeply as the enigmatic behavior of the waves and elementary particle physics revealed by the early decades of the twentieth century.
Scientific revolutions bring with them, quite inevitable, a rethinking of the epistemological principles underlying them research. After initial confusion, the first reaction by some of the scientists involved was an interpretation of nature in an anti-realist, idealist, if not openly, clearly in conflict with the approach of "materialist" traditionally attributed to men of science. Array idealist is certainly the so-called Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, endorsed by Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg. What made Einstein very wary of quantum mechanics all (even though she was one of the fathers) and that made him exclaim: "I can not believe that the moon is not there if you look at it."
While not actually a unique formulation, so that no clearly understand what it is exactly, I think the main feature of the Copenhagen interpretation is the importance given to the apparatus of measurement and the role played by the observer. One of the most surprising results of quantum mechanics is the fact that the behavior of some entities (elementary particles) is determined by the experiment itself with which you try to observe it, while their intrinsic nature is somehow "undetermined" when they are not observed. That experiment shows us the particle at a given location in space, but before they observed the particle's position was not merely unknown, is that just was not anywhere, or even better was all over (he was in a "superposition of states", say the physicists). A good introduction to the topic, by a true luminary, it can be found in this post.
So far nothing wrong, that is, it is surprising, but it is not even an interpretation, is what is actually observed, however strange. The idealism is apparent in the most extreme interpretations of this experimental fact, for example, when we begin to attribute not so much experimental apparatus, but the "conscious observation" of the investigator the power to transform reality. When that is attributed to the immaterial mind, rather than the machines, the collapse of the wave function (the mathematical function that describes the superposition of possible states of a particle or a group of particles).
This is not only a metaphysical bizarre (and as such would be harmless), but in fact also leads to contradictory experimental consequences, as we argued in Paul Musso this article. Paul Musso always kindly provide me the necessary references to show that this idealistic reading of the Copenhagen interpretation is not entirely an invention of mine, but that even if none of the scientists involved (except, apparently, von Neumann) had embraced with conviction , at least some of their words show a propensity toward idealism.
The normal separation of the world between subject and object, between inner and outer world, between body and soul, is no longer adequate. [...] All the opponents of the Copenhagen interpretation agree on one point. It would be desirable, according to them, return to the concept of reality of classical physics or, to use a philosophical term, the ontology of materialism. They prefer to return to the idea of \u200b\u200ban objective real world whose small particles exist objectively in the same sense in which there are rocks and trees, regardless of whether we observe them or not (Werner Heisenberg)
As might be useful in the life of every day to say that the world exists "Out there" independently of us, this view can not be held [...] Yes, the universe, without you I would not have been able to begin to exist. However you, great system, you are made of phenomena, and phenomena based on an act of observation. You could never even exist without acts as my primary recording (John Wheeler)
will remain significant, whatever the future development of our concepts, the same study of the outside world has led to the conclusion that the content of consciousness is a irreducible reality (Eugene Wigner)
Pura fuffa cui ha poi contribuito la letteratura new age, e tutti quei libri, a partire dal celebre Il Tao della fisica di Fritjof Capra, che si sono sforzati di intravedere connessioni fra Eastern mystical doctrines and the development of modern science. Connections striking because, on closer inspection, rather shallow (basically anything you like at all). Frankly, the idea that a Tibetan monaco a few years ago may have developed something like the conception of reality revealed by quantum physics simply "meditation" is rather offensive to those who do the work of the scientist, who knows that only required to submit his ideas to the court experience, but also that those ideas would not ever come without the work of all scientists who preceded him. No, say a vague and woolly nonsense like "everything is energy, everything is transformed" or other little thoughts by Perugina Bacio is not at all comparable to the inventor of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, or to describe the structure of an atom.
even more dangerous when the speech is used by charlatans to sell their concoctions. It is not uncommon, unfortunately, that quantum physics is being invoked by members of the "holistic medicine" or chissacché, to justify their crazy proceedings. People who try to convince patients of the enormous power of their mind to affect the real transform, and thus to defeat any conceivable illness by sheer force of will ("does quantum physics!"). People who come to devise a scheme called " medicine quantistica " e che la presentano con stringhe di parole assolutamente senza senso alcuno, ad esempio:
L’uomo e la natura sono costituiti di energia e materia. La materia è frequenza elettromagnetica condensata, e quindi tutti i corpi emettono frequenze (energia) e possono anche riceverle. Tutte le cellule del corpo umano grazie al loro DNA che funziona come un trasmettitore-ricevitore sono in continua connessione elettrica e modificano sè stesse [sic] a seconda dei messaggi.
La medicina quantistica grazie a tecnologie basate sulla fisica quantistica (Plank-Borch) [sic] può decodificare le trasmissioni intercellulari ed effettuare una diagnosi e quindi una terapia corretta che può essere: omeopatica, acupuncture, herbal medicine, etc.. according to the direction of the physician.
All the "diseases" from the common cold to the effects of psoriasis are changes in perception of reality, which over months or years and in the case of children at birth, leading to a change in the electromagnetic frequencies of our "Unity "and then the malfunction of DNA prior to the composition of adenine, guanine, cytosine and uracil [actually uracil is a component of RNA], is a propeller frequency crystal.
Depending on the type of personal imbalance, alteration frequency creates the "disease" of an organ (or more) instead of another.
All doctors working in the field of alternative medicine, they know that fear affects the kidneys and heart, the anger, the liver and gallbladder, to put the central nervous system, devaluation of self and the spine bones.