Monday, July 27, 2009

Retirement Sheet Cake Ideas

Ti strips. Try to grab then the speech, you can not catch that wave and maybe I'll explain everything. Follow a rhythm too insistent that you drugs, but does not satisfy you. You do not have the answer escapes you, you still have any blurred image of a distant land, so different from your cot damn reassuring. There may have been the cornerstone of the decisive step to the discovery, but you've lost them. The wild you get sick. And we try like mad, and then hate it when we live with love. Animals call us, what we are. Irrational enthusiasm, torture, perverse fascination for what sodomy. Mal d'Africa sometimes. How cool gaze of fools, that sense of giving you lost forever. You can only live inside you, there is no sharing. Alcoholic delusions. Help then, you know? We lay bare.

Monday, July 13, 2009

European Go Kart For Sale

Back to Cape Point and from here

Impossibile tirare le somme. Lo chiamano il Capo. E' lì in quel punto unico al mondo a darti il benvenuto con i suoi tramonti rosa che fanno male e la sua montagna da surf . Ti sconvolge con i suoi cento occhi diversi. Ti spaventa, ti attrae, ti fa ridere, ti fa incazzare... ti fa innamorare. Allo scadere del tempo a tua disposizione guardi fuori dal finestrino di un suo treno pazzo e senti che già qualcosa manca. Il groppo sale. Lì fuori scorre una natura incontaminata , townships brulicanti di vita, poi grattacieli imponenti e luci della folle città. Un'insegna di Mcdonald 's rompe quel momento magico, strozza tutta quella fottuta emotion, ebbrava globalization.
I believe there is no place in the world that you send more the need to look ahead. An extraordinary man after twenty-seven years in prison with Table Mountain as a witness has told the people his people a free people from one day to the people not to hate apartheid. And all those looks wonderful have heard. For me there is nothing more noble. Now
Table behind. Mandela says that after climbing a mountain, there are always other to climb. And then, heel and sole, with a desire for even more crazy Walking . Weird fishes , direbbe un autista.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Raquel Darrian Stream

It ricomicia

Grazie Sudafrica.