When 24 April 2007 were arrested six people (three kindergarten teachers and a teacher who was also the author of popular television programs for children, a guardian, and a gas station Sri Lanka), for alleged violence and abuse committed against children in a kindergarten in the town of Rignano Flaminio, giving way to one of the most sensational court cases in recent years Italian, I can boast of being among those who do not even for a moment believed the allegations, from day one.
simply could not believe it because I thought it impossible that, by coincidence, five pedophiles (including three women teachers) are working in the same asylum (looking for the complicity of a poor gas station attendant non-EU), and just as impossible that the coincidence was due to the maneuvers of a powerful international organization-pedophile Satanist, with hooks in the school system and political order that was the argument with which he retorted, in fact, skepticism.
The event also seemed strangely too close to the case with the U.S. asylum McMartin, on which I had seen a TV movie with James Woods, and that turned out to be a paradigmatic example of mass hysteria (think that was implied in the stories of children even Chuck Norris, and that theories of labyrinthine underground tunnels below the asylum), so similar that investigators found it amazing that none of us had noticed and had not made you doubt.
The fact that a few days after the arrests were released, evidence that the castle was rather accusatory fragile, not very comforted me, because I knew that now the life of those people had been irreparably damaged. What I did not know is that it was only the beginning, and that I should watch the incredible inability of courts to recognize a mistake and diabolical obstinacy in wanting at all costs does not exonerate the innocent, and that the case would continue until the Nowadays, not yet reached a conclusion. Meanwhile, Rignano Flaminio had also become a set of different characters in search of recognition claims, such as the ubiquitous lawyer Taormina.
Trying the case in the news net, I came across several interesting sites that led a battle in favor of the presumption of innocence and documented various cases of mismanagement of justice in allegations of sexual abuse, denouncing a climate of witch-hunt that was taking root in our country.
Among these, I made an impression on the blog of a man who signed himself the nickname "The Executioner". It was a strange blog, because even rich documentation, instead of maintaining an aseptic and institutional style also made extensive use of the weapon of irony and provocation, not hesitating to criticize, sometimes heavily, and so controversial, people believed responsible of unethical conduct and not aimed at search for truth. I discovered that through this blog Rignano Flaminio actually had the previous ones, it was not the first case of witch-hunt in Italy linked to pedophilia. I also discovered that there were associations that seemed to have had a specific role in importing into Italy the anti-pedophile, that America had already claimed its victims, whose names keep cropping up in various cases of alleged abuse .
A characteristic of these associations was the most becere acceptance of conspiracy theories (the largest organization-Jewish-Masonic-Satanic pedophile), perhaps because, having as objective legal advice of the families who are victims of abuse, not could fully recognize the fact that almost all cases of child abuse actually occurs within the family itself (an interesting case of a conflict of interest). So it was, too, that I made the acquaintance of Alice Maxine, and his blog , which has very little to envy, as the style and quality, even the commentators, that of a Straker. The struggles and arguments between the executioner and Alice fascinated me, as I am passionate about, and a little 'I'm passionate about again, and the amusing war between sciachimisti debunker (although in this case there is little fun).
My blog is an anti-conspiracy, is responsible for many things (a bit ' all say), but the anti-conspiracy mindset has always been one of his reasons for being (he was born precisely in order to better express what I was already saying in various forums), yet has never dealt with Alice ( I will have mentioned a few times), and this for one simple reason. I'm afraid. I'm afraid because I consider Alice Massimiliano a very dangerous person. Because if being accused of being part of the SMOM, or to be a reptile, can be fun, is not fun to be called "friend of pedophiles" or even a pedophile. What happened that day to justice as well as many other people who had his own vision. Fear Alice also because of its association with the fight against pedophilia Association (Prometheus) is a character who has some institutional support can not be considered, as many conspiracy theorists, a simple and altogether harmless psychopath.
But a few things have happened in recent days: the first is the blog of justice (which is called Stefano Zanetti, and is a sociologist) has been completely overshadowed by the judiciary at the request of Maximilian Alice, with on charges of defamation. A measure considered excessive by many: there is no question that the defamation, if completed, is a crime to be punished, only that the blogs were not only removed the post held defamatory, but the judge (who in turn had previously been criticized by Zanetti and is also distinguished for having obscured Pirate Bay) has removed the entire instrument to Zanetti's blog so that he could not even tell his readers what was happening or express any other considerations. A measure that we can define the Middle Ages, as well as unnecessary, given that Zanetti has opened another blog, where only about its legal case (an account of the story is also here ).
considerations are the same, these, who made a very famous blogger (on the reputation enjoyed by bloggers) on the site of ' Unit , just criticizing the court decision. Blogger from now on called "thing" for reasons that will be clear later. Coso is a professor of averages, not insignificant detail, that performs a job that puts him in contact with children, parents and children, and wrote a post where he takes the side of Zanetti against the decision that struck him, without ever directly attacking Alice (thing three years ago had written a piece where criticizing the blog purely for aesthetic of Alice and shape, although they are not indifferent).
He was brave, because they certainly knew what was likely to drive them out, but I think is the same was surprised when, in the Indymedia site of Rome, published an anonymous article in which he was accused, looks a bit ', to be a member of the pedophile lobby, where a picture was published with "his filthy face pedophile "it is threatened, and it was said in that town taught. If you did a little research on Google, with its name, one of the first results would appear that Article, the directors of Indymedia refused to remove (and here there would be an issue with, sull'imbecillità of certain phenomena of the network , which refer to another date). Any parent could Google the name of the teacher of his son, and read that it is a pedophile. It does not take long to realize which is a dangerous and delicate situation.
I never had the pleasure of meeting thing, as I do not know Zanetti, but a person whom I respect very much, although not always in tune with him (and even a believer, so to speak) and, Incidentally, it is the best of the bloggers there are in Italy, the best of our views. But even if it were an idiot that contempt, that does not count. I say that is not the time to be afraid, and that what little I can do I have to do, which is talking about it. These things should not happen.
Massimiliano Alice is responsible for the slanders thing: even if it did hatched him, he is responsible for morale. People like him should be stopped. Could be in good faith in their fight against pedophilia (personally I doubt it), but they damage can not be justified by any cause.